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National Nurses Day in all the world 2021

  Nearly : the anniversary of the Celebration of the International Tags of Lauegeages (IND) is around the world in the twelfth of May of each year to specify the contributions from nurses to society, which appreciates their efforts, and this year will celebrate a special taste after the crown A crown carrying in front of the virus to the care sector. 

National Nurses Day  in all the world 2021

 The International Council of Nurses (ICN) celebrates this day since 1965, and Dorothy Sutherland, the US Foreign Ministry, Education and Wealth, should be deserved in 1953 to offer in 1953, President Dwight Eisenhower explains "one day for nurses", but He did not agree. January 1974, May 12, is chosen to celebrate the day of a nurse, because it falls together with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is best known as the Institute of Modern Care. 

 The international council of the nurses prepares the day every year and sells a walk for worldwide care. This course includes educational and general information for nurses that can be used everywhere. 

 In 1999, the British Public Sector Association, Unison, who has submitted to the International Council of Council of Nurses, the date of this day to another date, because they believe that Najtingalo does not constitute modern care, and since 1998 that on May 8th has been In 2003 as annual national day for nurses nominated, Wednesday in the National National Nursing Week, which falls between 6 and 12 May, was appointed as a national page. 

 Reports stated that the United Kingdom celebrations annually, a day of nursing, including a prayer in Westminster abbey in London, and during prayer a symbolic lamp from the nurse chapel in the monastery is taken and delivered from a nurse to another, then delivered to the Head of the cathedral, which brings it to the high altar of the church. And that this represents the transition or passage of knowledge from a nurse to another. And in the church of St. Margaret in East Willow in Hampshire, where Florence Nightingale is buried, the prayer will take place on Sunday after her birthday. 

 The United States and Canada also celebrate every year the National Care Week from the ninth to the 15th of May. It was decided to celebrate this week in the United States under President Richard Nixon in 1974, while the Minister of Health in Canada decided to celebrate the national flag show in 1985. 

